March 08, 2007
Lovers of Wisdom - And ACTION!
From the award-winning comic series ACTION PHILOSOPHERS! comes these biographies of the titans of thought! Thrill to the killer koans of Bam-Bam Bodhidharma! Shudder before the noble savagery of Terrible Thomas Jefferson!
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October 10, 2006
... Just Us, We Caught The Bus:
"None suspect that idealistic committed little folk-singer Bob Dylan is in fact the amazing Zimmerman -- faster than a proxy ballot, more powerful than an ulterior motive, and able to buy tall buildings with a single bond!" [More inside]
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April 14, 2006
Everything I Know About Canada...
I Learned During The Commercials.
A collection of NFB Vignettes that taught a generation of Canadians about archetypal norsemen, hydraulic treeshears, birling, how to speak French without having to learn it, and more!
And a link to the Hinterland Who's Who archive, for a one-two combo of unbridled nostalgia!
March 23, 2006
Curious, George: "What's So Civil 'Bout War, Anyway?":
I'm researching the American Civil War and the Reconstruction. I'm having trouble figuring out who this Johnny Reb guy is, but he seems to be everywhere, man!
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November 21, 2005
Monkey Washes Cat
... donkey rinses, I presume.
[Embedded QT]
October 22, 2005
419 is a Joke...
Or at least a game, to the Nigerian fraudsters who flood your e-mail with countless spams.
"The atmosphere of silent concentration inside the cafe is absolute, strangely reminiscent of a university library before exams. Except, that is, for the odd guffaw or cheer. The doors are locked from 10:30 p.m. until 7 a.m., so the cyber thieves can work in peace without fear of armed intruders."
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